CCC News

Mar 12, 2020


Good Afternoon,

We want to take a moment to provide you with an update regarding the immediate public health issue, as we are continuing to closely monitoring reports from local, national and international sources regarding COVID-19 and want to assure you that your well-being is very important to ASM Global. We understand you may be receiving questions from family members or have questions/concerns yourself regarding the impact COVID-19 and questions on what we are doing to manage and protect you and our customers especially in light of some of the cancelations that have recently occurred. Your concerns are very understandable and in this moment of uncertainty it is important that we react and provide service in responsible and respectful way.

Please continue to work as prescribed in our handouts and postings and if there are any questions concerning this or if you have any comments on how we can improve our procedure please let us know. We promise to remain vigilant and up to date on this global health issue and will continue to focus our attention on you and our guests.

Thank you for your efforts to maintain a safe and clean environment, we will get through this together.

Cheri Wilbur
Director of Finance & Administration | Colorado Convention Center | SMG
700 14th Street | Denver, Colorado | 80202
(O) 303.228.8002 | (C) 303.947.9254

ASM Global Employee Related COVID 19 FA Qs