CCC News

Dec 18, 2019


We are excited to announce that we are UPDATING our Employee Referral Program!

You may recall that this program is an internal recruitment method to identify potential candidates from our existing employees' social networks. The employee referral program is designed to encourage our company's existing employees to select and recruit the suitable candidates from their social networks.

Therefore effective immediately any active employee in good standing at Colorado Convention Center who refers an applicant for an open posting, and that applicant is eligible for hire, accepts a job offer, and successfully completes their 90 Day introductory period, receives a $250 referral bonus.

Please remember that active employee in good standing means the employee is not on any current disciplinary action, including attendance, and the employee’s last performance evaluation showed satisfactory performance in terms of job performance, attendance and similar measuring factors. An employee who has not successfully completed the 90-day introductory period is not eligible to participate in the employee referral program.

Please do not hesitate to contact your department manager, director, or me if you have any questions regarding this program.

Marguerite L. StrongThomas
Human Resources Manager
700 14th Street | Denver, Colorado | 80202
(O) 303.228.8127 | (F) 1.303.219.7165