Temporary Flexible Work Arrangements
If you elect to exercise the work from home option, you must notify your department Director and the DOFA. In addition you must follow the work from home requirements as follows:
- Staff must follow all company rules, policies and practices when they work from home.
- Staff must be able to carry out the same duties, assignment, and other work obligations as home as they do when working at the CCC premises without distraction. Dedicate your full attention to your duties during CCC core business hours.
- Staff must stay in contact by phone or email with their supervisors understanding daily work activity and assignments.
- Staff must be readily available by phone and email to their supervisors and co-workers during our core business hours of 8am to 5pm Monday – Friday.
- Staff must frequently check your office voicemail and respond in a timely manner, or staff may forward their office phone to their cell phone for ease of response. When necessary to call back a client, customer, or co-worker you may dial *67 and the number you are calling to block your personnel phone number from being shared if you so choose.
- Staff who are non-exempt will be required to accurately record all hours worked and have those hours approved by their manager. Any overtime worked must be recorded and preapproved by management. If you are a non-exempt employee who currently records their time detail through our timeclocks please utilize the attached time card to record your hours and provide to your manager. In addition for those that are salaried please record your time through the attached time card and provide to your manager.
- Staff must ensure any work documents that they utilize for reference when working from home must be kept confidential and secured, in keeping with our policies.
- Staff should not reference working from home or working flexible work hours on their voicemail or email, as we are open for business and this is a temporary accommodation.
- Staff who elect to exercise the work from home option must still ensure to practice social distancing, curtailing non-essential personal travel, and reducing exposure to large crowds and follow the health and safety protocols outlined by the CDC and WHO.
Additional Tips for work at home
- Choose a quiet and distraction free working space
- Ensure an adequate internet connection to effectively perform your job duties
- Attached is the reminder on how to access your company email from home and you should be aware and able to access all other software applications used in your regular course of business.