CCC News

Jul 16, 2020

Updated PTO Policy Effective 7.15.2020

The Colorado Department of Labor, has issued a new law which became effective today June 15, 2020. This new law is referenced as the Colorado Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA), in order for the Company to ensure compliance with the newly implemented law we are providing an update to the PTO policy. Attached is the Colorado Division Informational Poster for HFWA, for your notification and reference.

Effective July 15, 2020, the revised policy has been issued in relation to our current Paid Time Off Policy (PTO). This revised policy expands the use of PTO for reason of sick leave and now provides for specific additional paid sick leave due to specific COVID-19 circumstances under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act through December 31, 2020. Attached is the revised PTO policy, which includes the information. This policy will be in place from June 15, 2020 to December 31, 2020. With a revised PTO policy that will also be issued 1.1.2021 based on this same law.

Please review the new PTO policy for the Colorado Convention Center and return the signed certification form to your Department Manager whom will provide the forms to HR. Managers for those employees not on email please provide them a copy of all attachments and ensure the certification form is signed and returned to HR. If you would like to receive the form via DocuSign for completion please respond to this email with request of such and HR will provide for signature via DocuSign.

If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact myself or Marguerite.

Cheri Wilbur
Director of Finance & Administration
700 14th Street | Denver, Colorado | 80202
(O) 303.228.8002 | (C) 303.947.9254

Spanish Poster Paid Leave Whistleblower 1

20 CCC Paid Time Off Full Time Part Time 2020 FFCRA

Poster Paid Leave Whistleblower 1